Thursday, July 31, 2008

- =[L o v e]= -

Love,. It is the most electric concept known to man. It is a many splendored thing. The world needs it, because without it, the human soul is utterly destitute. It is the thing by w/c every human relationship survives... Or should I say it's not enough for the relationship to survive or work w/ it's word alone???

But what is it?

Poets have written many things about it; philosophers have mused about it; & musicians have crooned about it through every generation of mankind. Yet love seems to remain so enigmatic...

The reason is simple. Man tends to seek a human definition to everything he experiences, but love defies a definition derived from a human context. Love is of God, God is Love. If something is so intricately a part of the heart of God, any understanding of it must come directly from him...

Being transferred directly from God's heart to our's, it enables a human being to remain unconditionally faithful to a relationship. Yhe emotional dimansion of love is merely a symptom of its presence in our lives, & not a part of the real substance of charity...

The Elements of Love

-Love suffer long...

-Love is Blind...

-Love envy not...

-Love vaunt not itself...

-Love is not puffed up...

-Love seek not her own...

-Love do not behave itself unseemly...

-Love is not easily provobed...

-Love thinketh no evil...

-Love rejoice not in iniquity...

-Love rejoice in the truth...

-Love bear all things...

-Love believe all things...

-Love hope all things...

-Love endure all things...

-Love never fail...

The next time you say to any one, "I Love You", realize what you are telling them. By those three little words you are making a commitment. You are saying........

"I promise always to
maintain my composure,
make you as comfortable as possible,
delight in all your prosperity,
be content with who I am,
be honest about everything,
never cause you embarassment,
seek your welfare above my own,
refuse to participate in conflict,
throw away the record of your mistakes,
maintain the highest level of ethics,
welcome examination,
build trust in our relationship,
be optimistic,
endure everything that threatens our relationship,
I will never stop doing all these things..."

This is Love.........


JoO-Lee said...

pag chur uie.. hek3..

Unknown said...

ayaw lagi pag duha duha kung ano gusto mo gawin mo ng walang pagdududa heheheh.....